How to create a secure pbnl php site
Download Requirements:
Secured from redirecting, chat bot and shoutbox featured, online prov maker, 2go and facebook arena featured.
Creating a hosting account
Goto any trusted hosting site like and signup as a client. Uc Browser is adviceable for the registration, after which you can login with your opera mini. After the registeration go to your email junk or spam folder and verify by clicking on the link sent to you.
Creating a free unlimited plan
After the verification, login to your host then click on Cpanel or Hosting, scroll down and click oncreate new account, select free unlimited planand you will be redirected to a page where you will sign up for free account. Select subdomainin the first option, input your preferred site name in the box with 'www.' tag, input a password you can easily remember and also enter the text on the captcha image if provided, then click on the 'create' button to proceed.
Creating a database
The next is creating a database for your site, database is part of the most important thing to make the site successfull. The database keeps record of your site activities, it also enable users to signup.
Procedure: Under your created site name, you will see the 'Switch' button, if not reload the page. Click onSwitch> under the advance options click onMysql Database, it will display the database form. Beside the boxes you will see your site username e.g 'u123456789', copy or write down the username on a piece of paper then enter thedatabase namein the first box and thedatabase userin the second box. It is advisable to use same word in both the database username and name and the word should not exceed five letters (for e.g weezy making both the database username and name to look like this 'u123456789richy'). Now enter yourdatabase password, it is advisable to use the same password you used in creating the free unlimited plan. After successfully creating the database, copy out the details including the database username, database name and the password.
Uploading the database file (PBNL.sql)
Another important thing is uploading the PBNL.sql, this is what will enable registration to work when you finish creating your site.
Procedure: L0cate and click on PhpMyAdmin, it's beside or under the MySql-Database you created, input your database password and click the button to proceed.
(You may not be asked of your database password if you click on the PhpMyAdmin immediately after creating the database).
When the PhpMyAdmin opens, click on import, if the import link is not there click on more to reload and view the import link. Now you will see a page asking for your file, browse the PBNL.sql you downloaded earlier from your phone folders, scroll down and click onGoto upload.
(If you are using mobile and the file fails to upload, just change your browser from mobile view to PC view; #8 for opera browsers then click on import and retry the uploading).
After uploading you will see '52 queries executed'.
Loggin in to your ftp client
Goto any online ftp client like or, input your site name with the prefix 'ftp.' in the 'Ftp Server' box, input your site username you copied earlier in the 'Username' box and also input your site password in the 'Passwrod' box. Leave other fields empty and click the Login or Connect button. Example shown below;
Ftp Server: ftp.yoursitename
Username: u123456789
Password: sitepassword
(password used while creating your site).
Uploading, extracting and editing your site
When you are logged in, click on 'publichtml' folder, when it opens click on upload and browse the Secured file you downloaded earlier and upload. Click on the file you uploaded, select 'extract' and enter '/publichtml' in the folder box and click the Execute button.
For advanced ftp client like, mark the small box beside or on top of the file you uploaded, select the 'UnZip' option, set your folder to '/publichtml' and click the submit icon to extract. After the extracting, go back to the '/publichtml' folder, click on 'modul' folder, scroll down to 'settings.php', click on it and select edit, for advanced ftp; click on the 'edit' link under the 'settings.php' file, in this file you will replace my site and authors details with yours which includes; database username, database name, database host, database password, site colour, site title, site description, logout message, owners name, facebook username or page, twitter username, your country, state, email and phone number. Click the 'save' button to save your settings. Now go back to the '/publichtml', select the 'ads.php' file and edit, replace my site links with your advert links if any.
(If you don't have any advert link, don't bother editing this file).
Go back to the '/publichtml', click on the 'images' folder, delete the current 'logo.png', upload your logo and rename to 'logo.png' if bearing another name.
Installing your site
Goto your address bar and type your site name with the surfix '/install.php' e.g www.yoursitename/install.php, this will prompt you to signup as the 'Site Administrator' or 'Site Owner'. After succesfully signing up, enter your site name with the surfix '/installbot.php' e.g www.yoursitename/installbot.p hp to install the chat bot, also enter your site name with the surfix '/installshout.php' e.g www.yoursitename/installshou t.php to install the shoutbox. Now login to your site, click on the 'Admin Panel' on the top navigation to manage your site.
Login to your ftp client, click on '/publichtml' folder and delete the following files; 'install.php', 'installbot.php' and 'installshout.php' to avoid users from signing up as the admin.
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